Saturday, December 4, 2010

Summary of MUAN

Summary Recording

Bikina Chhetri
5th Semester


This is to acknowledge that this is the report regarding field work summary of Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN). I Bikina Chhetri would like to thanks the entire staff member for cooperating in the agency and faculty advisor to give good guidance in the college. This summary recording contains the overall task done by the trainee and also the learning achieved by her.


1. About the Issue
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Laws and Regulation

2. About the Organization
2.1 Introduction of the Organization

2.2 Objectives of the Organization

2.3 Programs/Activities of the Organization

2.4 Organization Structure

2.5 Funding

3. About the Trainee
3.1 Introduction of the Trainee

3.2 Objectives of the Trainee

3.3 Activities of the Trainee

3.4 Overall Learning

3.5 Recommendation

3.6 Conclusion

1. About the Issue of the Organization:

1.1 Introduction:

UN-HABITAT recognizes that good urban governance is characterized by the interdependent principles of sustainability, equity, efficiency, transparency and accountability, security, civic engagement and citizenship. The agency's Global Campaign on Urban Governance aims to increase the capacity of local governments and other stakeholders to practice good urban governance, promote transparency, and fight crime and corruption. It also raises awareness and advocates good urban governance around the world and focuses attention on the needs of the excluded urban poor. It also promotes the involvement of women in decision-making at all levels, recognizing that women are crucial for positive change in society.
UN-HABITAT also develops indicators of good urban governance to help cities identify urban governance priorities and assess their progress towards the quality of city-life. Cities will be given tools to help them assess the state of urban governance in their city and then set targets for measuring performance. The agency aims to develop a global Good Urban Governance Index drawing on available urban indicators to assess the state of urban governance in the world. The results of the index are published in the UN-HABITAT State of the World's Cities report and the Global Report on Human Settlements.

Recently, 'good urban governance' has received currency along with other key words such as decentralization or local autonomy. Various local, national, regional and international organizations have undertaken considerable efforts to incorporate the tenets of good urban governance in realizing sustainability in cities, and meet the challenges of rapid urbanization and local environmental degradation. Good urban governance has been defined as an inclusive process in achieving a quality of life sought by the residents of cities; especially the disadvantaged, marginalized and poor.
The operational keywords of governance - and consequently its goals - have been applicability, equity, acceptability, and ownership of governance processes at the local level. This calls for the development of a framework or matrix within which cities and urban stakeholders can assess and prioritize governance indicators to measure urban governance performance. The many facets of good urban governance and its relevance to all aspects of city management and the delivery of urban goods and services calls for in-depth campaigns to educate and raise awareness on issues related to governance at all levels of a city or urban area, from a community to a region. These campaigns need to develop ownership of governance at the local level to ensure acceptability and effective implementation.

To build on existing and ongoing efforts to incorporate the tenets of good urban governance in aspects of city management (policies, programs, projects, and plans) requires action by all urban stakeholders and the development of a set of tools and resources, and for broad capacity building in good urban governance.
There is a need to facilitate the internalization of the concept of good urban governance, in order to build understanding and capacity at the local level, by developing a range of information and knowledge resources to assist us in these processes. Guidelines, checklists and benchmarks need to be developed that will guide in the application of good urban governance. Training sessions, short-term courses and on-the-job education need to be organized in order to ensure professional development of urban officials and of the general public they interact with and serve. Dialogues also need to be initiated amongst various local stakeholders on good urban governance
To achieve this, local governments will have to partner with other local authorities, training and research institutions, NGOs and community groups, private sector entities, national agencies and ministries, and UN agencies. Local and regional partners will have to be identified for this purpose, and develop appropriate governance resources and tools.
Focusing on broad involvement and inclusiveness in good urban governance, there is a need to educate and build awareness on the tenets of good governance, by developing a 'governance inventory' that will document and package information on good governance practices. This can be operationalized by developing a framework within which common indicators can be used to document best practices on good governance. Broad acceptance and ownership of the concepts and tents of governance need to be garnered, and the effective sharing and dissemination information on good governance practices. To achieve this, local governments will have to partner with a range of local and international organizations, including local authorities’ citizens groups, NGOs, and UN agencies - and formulate a common framework for good governance, along with a governance inventory.
Focusing on local action, multi-stakeholder coalitions will have to be built that monitor and evaluate actions towards good governance, and will advise and guide implementation. To do this, broad participation and partnership among all local stakeholders in the development of good urban governance will have to be ensured at the local level. Efforts towards institutional and administrative reform will have to be initiated, and is widely accepted and implemented. Action for networking and resource sharing will have to be taken so that the intended impacts of good governance are achieved.
Finally, mechanisms for third-party auditing and evaluation of programs and actions will have to be put into place. To achieve this, local governments will have to partner with NGOs and citizens groups, with other cities in the country and region, and with private sector entities. A set of monitoring and evaluation tools will have to be developed to guide implementation, and to identify appropriate partners and resources that can assist in these processes.
1.2 Laws and Regulation:
According to Municipal Association of Nepal’s constitution 2054 B.S. there are certain rules and regulation which goes on like this:
The objectives of the association will be:
• To make networking of the municipalities and do sharing of experience;
• To give needed and formal information and suggestion to HMG and Ministry for the welfare of municipalities;
• To find out different ideas of increasing the resources of municipalities for giving services to the citizen;
• To know about the problems of municipalities and find appropriate solution for it;
• To give suggestion, information and needed services to the member municipalities;
• To solve the environmental problem faced by municipalities and cities;
• To create relation, help and rapport with the International Organization working with same objectives.
According to article (1) the association will be active for acquiring these objectives.

For Associating Association
Accepting this constitution and fulfilling the demand of the association any municipalities can be the member of the association. For doing the daily work of the association there will be a working committee in which there will be participation of woman, indigenous people and other vulnerable groups also.
There will be formal meeting of association for making the plans, policies, programs and giving advice to the working committee of the association. The working committee will work according to the advice in the name of association.
The association will be the high post organization. It will have its own stamp for all work and the stamp will be according to decision of working committee. The association can acquire and can sell its property. The central office of the association will be at Kathmandu.
For the membership the membership will be abolished if they don’t pay the membership fee, if they don’t follow the rules regarding association and according to article (1) if the person own self leave the membership.

For Formal Meeting
The formal meeting will be regard as the association’s formal meeting and there will be participation of members of the association. This meeting will do needed work for obtaining the objectives by following the rules and regulation of the constitution. It will also help in increasing and maintaining the relation and help between municipalities for organizational development.
The meeting will help in make decision on maintain the policies, programs and budget. It will also help in knowing the problems of municipalities and for the solution taking suggestion from the HMG. The proposed yearly report and economic report by the working committee will be discussed in the meeting.
For the development of municipalities there will be done study on different issues. A legal expert will be appointed. There will be decision on the services given to president, vice- president, secretary, treasures and members. The working committee will be given appropriate suggestion and guidance.

For Working Committee
There will be a working committee of the association who will work to fulfill the objectives of the association following the constitution of the association. They have to work according to the decision made in formal meeting and should show the policies, programs and budget in front of formal meeting. The working committee can appoint maximum 7 renowned people as the advisor of the association for obtaining the objective.
The meeting of working committee will minimum 4 times a year and it will be guided by the president of association only. At the meeting if there is 50% of working committee in total also then it will be regard as the full participation and the decision will be made by maximum participation.
The working committee will be given certain roles, responsibilities and rights which will be mentioned in the constitution only and they have to work according to it and make decision and will be provided the services according to it.
The information regarding the working committee meeting should be given before 15 days. The working committee can decide the other working pattern regarding the meeting. The working committee can do follow up of the work and give suggestion and decide the activities to be performed at the association to fulfill the objectives.


2.1 Introduction of the Organization:

Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN) was established in the year 1994 and at the beginning of 1998, MuAN reconstituted itself and became a registered institution under National Directive Act,1961(2018 B.S.). All 58 municipalities (1 Metropolitan City, 4 Sub Metropolitan Cities and 53 Municipalities) of Nepal are members of MuAN.

Since 1992, concrete efforts were initiated to establish association of municipalities. This was further accelerated through gathering of all the Mayors and Deputy Mayors in 1993 in Pokhara and 1994 in Banepa. In 1995, legislative assembly approved the constitution and formalized MuAN as an apex body of all the municipalities of Nepal. General assemblies were held in 1996,1997,1999,2000 and 2001 in Mahendranagar, Hetauda, Dharan, Siddharthanagar and Pokhara respectively.


• “Making cities autonomous, prosperous and self-reliant”


• Promoting urban governance by ensuring rights and enhancing capabilities of municipal government to make cities autonomous, prosperous and self reliant.


MuAN’s main objective is to promote sustainable urban growth and decentralized good governance in its member municipalities, and at the same time facilitates the central government in policy and legal reform issues. The main objectives of MuAN are:

• To lobby and advocate for guaranteeing autonomous local/municipal government in the new constitution.
• To develop MuAN as a pioneer institution for the promotion of urban governance by coordinating municipal governments and relevant stakeholders.
• To develop municipal governments as a capable and strong institution to provide urban services effectively.
• To make municipal government transparent, responsive, accountable and inclusive for ensuring the urban good governance.
• To develop MuAN as a common platform for enhancing leadership information.
2.3 Activities of the Organization:

Advocacy and Lobbying
MuAN takes a lead in safeguarding municipal interests and needs for overall development of cities and towns. Policy formulation including acts, regulations and by-laws regarding municipal government is the main concern of MuAN’s advocacy role. For this, the process entails the participation of central government, donor agencies, and other stakeholders involved in urban development in Nepal. MuAN represents all the municipalities at the national and international level, as well as in various organizations and forums.

Technical and Advisory Support
To develop and strengthen the organizational capability municipalities, MuAN seeks internal and external financial sources and technical know-how in the areas of resource mobilization. MuAN counsels and informs member municipalities on all proceedings and developments relevant to local self-government.

Resource Mobilization
MuAN plays facilitative and coordinating role for resource mobilization of members through participatory municipal planning process. MuAN assists to initiate Local Economic Development (LED) activities for urban development. Small medium micro enterprises sector promotion; rural-urban linkages, private sector participation, urban banking and intra-municipality development support are the key areas for the LED initiatives.

Human Resource Development
MuAN arranges, provides, facilitates, and coordinates training in the areas of urban development and municipal governance. Training programs on different urban disciplines are conducted for the elected office bearers and staff of member municipalities. Workshops and seminars on urban issues are the continuous features for exchange of knowledge among member municipalities.

Information and Networking
MuAN through its Urban Resource Center (URC) explores and disseminates the latest information and best practices on urban development and local governance. For this, a wide and effective international networking with donors and urban resource centers is established. MuAN provides a pool of experiences among member municipalities and exchange of information on various topics through its website, quarterly journal, reports, brochures, etc.

2.5 Funding:

MuAN is a member-funded association. The member municipalities are categorized for membership fee according to their municipal income. Other sources of funding are grants and donations from different organizations and agencies like United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), CITYNET, UDLE and DED.



The trainee is a fifth semester student of Social Work and as she was acquainted with the practice of Rural and Urban Community Development as a three credit course in the fourth semester, she was placed in Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN), as the organization works for better urban governance and rural-urban linkage. The trainee was enrolled in the organization after a detailed interview about her skills and experiences and was allotted the tasks as per her ability and capacity and work on various issues of concern.

The trainee as a social worker worked effectively in the organization and gained more knowledge about different issues. She also participated in different programs initiated by MuAN and helped in increasing the knowledge on urban governance.

She worked in the group and always believed in team work. She was dedicated to each and every thing she does and was always ready to learn new things. She got opportunity to take parts in ongoing programmes of the organization.

As a student of social work, the trainee applied the theoretical knowledge into practical which helped to contribute her learning and develop professionally and personally.


• To learn about the organization

• To learn about the macro social work setting

• To learn about the issue

• To built the rapport with the staff members.

• To help the organization run, with its activities

• To relate theory into practice

• To participate in different programs initiated by the organization.
• To develop personally and professionally.

3.3 Activities Performed by the Trainee:

Activity no.1
Participated in SWASTHA Project Workshop:

The trainee participated in the workshop which was organized by MuAN and supported by different other national, international and governmental organization like ENPHO, UN-HABITAT, European Union, Practical Action and Ministry of Local Development. In this workshop the trainee managed all the materials before the workshop started, then did reporting of the program and also participated in discussion series and group work.

Objectives of the Activity:

• To know about the SWASTHA project;

• To do rapport building.


• The trainee learned that the main objective of SWASTHA project is to contribute to sustainable improvement in health and well being of vulnerable population especially women and children residing in urban and peri-urban settlements.

• The trainee learned about Participatory Water and Sanitation plan and how it is going to work in Butwal Municipality.

• The trainee learned that there is about 2 arab reserve fund and about 1 arab 33 crore goes for the municipalities and there are some criteria for accesing the reserve fund for each municipality.

• The municipalities are also interested in working in water sector for increasing water supply and improving water quality.

• Moreover the trainee also learned hoe to organize a workshop and manage time.

Activity no.2
Participated in National Conference:

The trainee participated in the national conference on the topic of ‘Role of Local Autonomous Government in New Constitution.’ The trainee analyzed and participated in the conference and also interacted with the candidates of the constitution.

Objectives of the Activity:

• To know about the different issue that is going to be constitute in the new constitution;
• To know about the role of the government in making new constitution;
• To build rapport.


• The trainee learned that the new constitution has highlighted 10 things and they are social and cultural aspects; nation welfare, executive organ, vulnerable groups, justice system, fundamental rights, resource distribution and employment opportunities;

• The trainee learned that in fundamental rights the right to vote and right to concise plays a greater role in every country ;

• The trainee also learned that how can be the new constitution be accountable for everyone.

• The trainee also learned that most of the candidates of constitution are not so serious in this matter while some were very active and dedicated.

Activity no.3
Media Analysis:

The trainee did media analysis. She read the news and articles from the magazines, newspaper and internet about municipalities and urban issues. After doing it the trainee also made the report of media analysis and submitted it to the organization.

Objectives of the Activity:

• To know about the issue of urban area and municipalities;
• To do comparative study of different activities done by different municipalities;
• To analyze the different elements affecting municipalities and urban area.


• The trainee learned about the different issues of municipalities like waste management, water management, road construction and more.

• The trainee learned that the different municipalities are doing different work according to need of people and some municipalities are doing very effective task while some are lagging behind.

• The trainee learned different elements like strike, protest and all from the political parties and other parties are affecting the work of municipalities and also the urban areas.

Activity no.4
Arranged the Resource Center:

The trainee arranged the books, journals and reports of the resource centre. She did the entry of around 100 books of the organization and arranged it properly. Then she arranged all the books according to the number and issue and also differentiated the mixed books and arranged it according to the issue.

Objectives of the Activity:

• To know about the different literature related to urban issue;
• To learn about management of resource centre.


• The trainee learned that there are books, journals and reports regarding urban management, urban development and planning, urban finance, community development, organizational development and more.

• The trainee learned about the tools and techniques of managing resource centre.

• The trainee learned that maximum journals and reports were very old and were not of any use.

Activity no.5
Gender analysis:

The trainee did gender analysis on the ratio of the staff working in the organization. She just analyzed it before the vacancy announcement on the post of Program Officer and Finance Officer and after selecting two people for the post.

Objectives of the Activity:

• To analyzed the situation of low participation of women in the organization;

• To make appropriate recommendations for organization for addressing such situation.


• The trainee learned that there is very low participation of women in comparison to men at the organization;

• The trainee learned that the organization has addressed the situation and has appointed a female candidate on the post of program officer.

• The trainee learned that now there are women and men are of 40% and 60% respectively at the organization.

Activity no.6
Handled Office Procedures:

The trainee handled different office procedures. She did photocopy of different reading materials, news and articles published in newspapers and magazines. She also did letter writing and did typing and also worked on behalf of the staffs and handled their task and made reports.

Objectives of the Activity:

• To know about the resources of the office;

• To learn about handling office procedures.


• The trainee learned that the organization has got every needed resource like computers, printers, photocopy machine, inverter and telephones which is an essential resource of office.

• The trainee learned to use those resources and also learned its importance at the office level.

Activity no.7
Learned about communication strategies of the organization

The trainee learned about communication strategy of the organization. She asked the staff members of the organization to give information about the communication strategy and Ms. Poornima Shakya provided the trainee the detail information about it.

Objectives of the Activity:

• To learn about the communication strategy of the organization;

• To know about the roles of staff members in communication strategy.


• The trainee learned that the executive board is responsible for the communication policy of MuAN.

• Networking Associate are responsible for regular communication and coordination with the municipalities and to provide factual information on events and programs.

Other Activities of the Trainee are:

• Edited articles for magazine published by MuAN called Voice of Cities.
• Analyzed the profile of different municipalities.
• Interacted with the visitors and the staffs of the organization.
• Helped in arranging materials.
• Analysis on the activities of the organization.
• Literature Review.
• Participated in informal meetings.
• Internet Surfing.
• Arranged the store.
• Wrote summary of the training programs.
• Newspaper cutting.

Overall learning:

Professional learning:

Professionally trainee got chance to learn many things and acquire many skills which are important and essential for a social worker to perform their effective programs. The trainee learned how to organize different programs, to interact with the people, to perceive the ideas of others, to handle the office procedures, to use the resources properly, to deal with different types of people, to manage the resource centre, to do media analysis and write official reports.

In all these the trainee learned about the different issues of urban governance, urbanization, constitution and the peoples’ perception in this issue. The trainee acquired listening skills, speaking skills, interaction skills and observing skills.

Personal learning:

The trainee learned that urban issue is a concerned topic for everyone. Urbanization has grown up so rapidly. There are lots of urban issue like waste management, unmanaged housing, slums area and more which is creating lots of problems in urban area. The developing countries are very much lagging behind for the urban development.

Municipalities and other organization working with same issue are doing different urban development programs like road construction, waste management, water management and more which is somehow creating some influence in urban management.


The trainee would like to recommend that the trainee should be given those tasks from which she can learn properly. The trainee should get opportunity to visit the fields and also should be involved in different activities of the organization. The trainee should be informed about the different programs initiated by the organization and should help the trainee to learn more about the organization and the issues of the organization.

With the name and fame it has gained in national and the international level, the organization can still do more work. That contribution could further help in the development of the other communities in the society. The organization is not working totally by maximum interaction and sharing of opportunities with the lower level staffs by which there has occurred a sense of dissatisfaction among the staffs. This should be countered in time with adequate remuneration and opportunities.


The trainee has got the opportunity to learn about different setting like MuAN which mainly focuses on the urban issue and constitution. She got the platform to know about different issues of urban places and urban governance.

She got the chance to interact and communicate with many talented and knowledgeable people. She mainly developed the idea of analysis and observation which has helped her to develop personally and professionally.

The trainee likes to thanks Ms. Prerana Shakya of MuAN for giving the opportunity in this field and guiding us properly and all the staff members for coping and supporting.

The friendly environment and proper guidance of the field supervisor has helped the trainee to apply her theoretical knowledge into practice and take proper action in the field.

The trainee also likes to thanks Mrs. Samjhana Bhetwal, the faculty advisor for supporting and encouraging the trainee. She always has given proper guidance.

Time Table:

Week Date Total Hours of the Week
1st week 2nd November-6th November, 2009 38
2nd week 16th November- 20th November,2009 27
3rd week 30th November- 4th December, 2009 31
4th week 11th January- 14th January,2010 26
5th week 27th January- 29th January, 2010 21
6th week 22nd March-26th March, 2010 30
7th week 5th April- 8th April & 15th April,2010 42
8th week 19th April- 22nd April 30
Total no. of hours 245

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