Saturday, August 21, 2010

Summary of SOLID Nepal

Submitted by:
Bikina Chhetri
4th Semester

This is to acknowledge that this is the report regarding field work summary of SOLID Nepal. I Bikina Chhetri would like to thanks the entire staff member for cooperating in the agency and faculty advisor to give good guidance in the college. This summary recording contains the overall task done by the trainee and also the learning achieved by her.

Introduction of the Organization:
Society for Local Integrated Development Nepal (SOLID Nepal), a non- governmental, apolitical and non- profit making organization, established in 1997, has been working in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Non- communicable Diseases. It works through research, publications, advocacy, training and social mobilization in a holistic manner.
It visions to attain a healthy and productive life of all individuals, especially who are poor, vulnerable, deprived and socially excluded. Its mission is to make available comprehensive health and development programmes at all levels especially targeted to young people with their full participation.
Its main goal is to integrate health and developments programmes into different sectors of the societies and empower people to participate in all steps of program spiral.

Introduction of the Trainee:
The trainee’s name is Ms. Bikina Chhetri. She is a student of BSW (Bachelor in Social Work) 4th semester. She was placed in SOLID Nepal at Satdobato, Lalitpur which is a NGO working on reproductive health and non- Communicable Diseases. The trainee was really very interested to know more about reproductive health and non- communicable diseases so she found SOLID Nepal as the platform which helped her to know about reproductive health and non- communicable diseases and the perception of people regarding these issues.
The trainee as a social worker worked effectively in the organization and gained more knowledge about different issues. She also participated in different programs initiated by SOLID Nepal, organized some programs and helped in increasing the knowledge on reproductive health of youths.
She worked in the group and always believed in team work. She was dedicated to each and every thing she does and was always ready to learn new things. She got opportunity to take parts in training classes and give comments to the ongoing programmes of the organization.
As a student of social work, the trainee applied the theoretical knowledge into practical which helped to contribute her learning and develop professionally and personally.

Objectives of the trainee:
• To know about the organization.
• To know about the issue of the organization.
• To know about on- going programs of the organization.
• To built the rapport with the staff members.
• To participate in different programs initiated by the organization.
• To initiate effective programs for youth on Reproductive Health.
• To visit the organization working on Reproductive Health.
• To work in collaboration with staffs and volunteers.
• To apply theoretical knowledge into practice.
• To develop personally and professionally.

Activities of the trainee:
Activity no: 1
Organized a school level orientation class:
The trainee organized one day orientation class on ‘Comprehensive Sexuality Education’. The trainee worked in collaboration with the trainees of FPAN (Family Planning Association Nepal). The students in class 10 of ‘Pharping Higher Secondary School’ were oriented. There were altogether 30 student in the class. The trainee made them play games associated with the topic and also asked them to write the problems regarding their reproductive and sexual health.
Objectives of the activity:
• To create awareness on Comprehensive Sexuality Education;
• To know about the different components regarding the topic;
• To analyze different problems youths are facing regarding their reproductive and sexual health.

• The trainee learned how to organize the orientation class.
• The trainee learned to deal with the teenager youths.
• The trainee herself learned more about the ‘Comprehensive Sexuality Education’.
• The trainee learned about different problems of youths regarding sexual and reproductive health.

Activity no: 2
Data Collection for the Research:
The trainee collected data for the research on Ayurvedic Services. The trainee went to different Ayurvedic hospitals and clinics to collect the data. The data were collected through interview method by asking questions about their personal information, doctor- patient relationships, about the quality of Ayurvedic medicine and health services.
Objectives of the activity:
• To know about the perception of the patient regarding Ayurvedic services;
• To do comparative study of different Ayurvedic hospitals and clinics.
• The trainee learned that different patient has different perception regarding Ayurvedic services.
• The trainee learned that in some Ayurvedic clinics the services were really good while in others it was not so good.
• The trainee learned that in most of the Ayurvedic clinic there was lack of infrastructure.
• The medicine provided by one clinic differs with other clinic.

Activity no: 3
Done FGD (Focus Group Discussion):
The trainee did focus group discussion as the facilitator with the youths of YIC (Youth Information Center) in Bhadrabas which is near to Gokarna. The trainee facilitated three groups. The first group was of boys and girls, the second group was of girls only and the third group was of boys only. FGD was done with these groups in different time. In all groups there were altogether 8 people. In this the trainee asked the question and they told the answer whatever they know about the issue.
Objectives of the activity:
• To access the knowledge of adolescents about normal physiological changes in the body;
• To access the knowledge about pregnancy, premarital sex and contraception;
• To access the knowledge of adolescents on sexuality and sex education;
• To access the knowledge of adolescents about STD/HIV/Aids;
• To access the ideas on the kind of services they would like to have in a youth friendly clinic.
• The trainee learned that the youths were really very curious to learn about the sexual and reproductive health from each other.
• The trainee learned that some youths have misconception regarding some issues.
• The trainee learned that almost all of them have been exposed to sex education either directly or indirectly.
• The trainee learned only few of them have visited health clinic to receive sexual and reproductive health services.

Activity no: 4
Wrote article:
The trainee wrote an article in which she wrote about her first experience and social behavior during menstruation period. After that it was edited by Mr. Chetnath Sir which gave a new look to the article. The article has been published in 25th series of Youvan magazine in Bhadra 2066.
Objectives of the activity:
• To create awareness regarding social behavior during the menstruation period.
• To share the experience and the problems faced during menstruation period.
• The trainee learned that almost everyone liked the article.
• The trainee learned how to write a good article regarding any matter.

Activity no: 5
Attended workshop:
The trainee attended the workshop organized by FPAN in the cause of ‘Celebrating the Passing of Domestic Violence Bill-2066’ and ‘Comprehensive Sexuality Education.’ People from governments, parliaments, journalism, organizations and youth volunteers were participated on the workshop. The presentation on the ‘condition of the adolescents’ reproductive and sexual health’ was presented on the workshop. The speech was given by Mrs. Sapana Malla and Dr. Arju Rana Deuba on the topic.
Objectives of the activity:
• To know about the domestic violence bill that is going to pass by the government.
• To find the role of parliamentarians and government officer in passing the bill.
• To know about the condition of the adolescent’s reproductive and sexual health in Nepal.
• To know about ‘Comprehensive Sexuality Education.’
• The trainee learned about the gaps in implementation of adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health strategy.
• The trainee learned about the meaning of puberty age and sexuality.
• The trainee learned about the awareness level of adolescent in the case of sexual and reproductive health.

Activity no: 6
Library maintenance:
The trainee maintained the library by arranging the books of the library according to its number and issues. The trainee also did numbering on the books and journals and arranged it properly.
Objectives of the activity:
• To know about the different literature related to health.
• To arrange the library properly.
• The trainee learned about different health issues including reproductive and sexual health.
• The trainee learned about managing the library and arrangement of books in the library.

Activity no: 7
Participated in World Population Day:
The trainee participated on the World Population Day in which the trainee did walkathon from Babarmahal to Jawlakhel ground, and then placed the stall representing SOLID Nepal.
Objectives of the activity:
• To find out different programs in world population day;
• To highlight Youvan magazine issues;
• To create awareness about correct age of marriage and its positive impact.
• The trainee learned the actual information of World Population Day was not flowing properly.
• The trainee also learned that people are not much interested to know about the reproductive and sexual health which directly and indirectly influences the population of the country.
• The trainee overall learned about the different issues of different organization participated on the program.
Activity no: 8
Media Analysis:
The trainee read the news from the magazines, newspaper and internet about reproductive and sexual health in which there were information about safe motherhood, pregnancies, HIV and Aids, STI and many more.
Objectives of the activity:
• To know about the issue of reproductive and sexual health in media;
• To do comparative study of different country regarding the condition of sexual and reproductive health;
• To analyze the different elements affecting reproductive and sexual health.
• The trainee learned that the condition of reproductive and sexual health is different in developed country and developing country.
• The trainee learned different issue like safe delivery, masturbation, abortion etc which represents sexual and reproductive health.

Other activities:
• Data entry of Ayurvedic research.
• Literature review.
• Visited organization working in reproductive and sexual health.
• Interaction with volunteers and staffs.
• Attended training class of the organization.
• Wrote official reports.
• Discussion on different issues.
• Attended meetings.

Theory applied:
The trainee applied the theoretical knowledge properly in this semester. The trainee stayed within the limitations and enjoyed the authority given by the organization. She worked with her co- trainee as a group and experienced ‘we’ feeling within the group. She found out the importance of reproductive and sexual health in each persons life and tried to gain more information and knowledge regarding it.
The trainee used the principle of confidentiality, non-judgmental attitude and respected view of everyone working as staffs and volunteers in the organization. The trainee got different ideas related to sexual and reproductive by listening properly in workshops and training programs.
The trainee gave equal participation in planning and discussion and also contributed her ideas in the organization. The theory of mobilization of local tools and resources was properly applied by the trainee.

Strength and Weakness of the trainee:
• The trainee was unable to finish the overall data entry of Ayurvedic research.
• The trainee sometime used to be late in the organization.
• The trainee was unable to go the field visit to different places as it was far.
• The trainee was punctual.
• The trainee respected other views.
• The trainee was friendly with the staffs and volunteers.
• The trainee was very dedicated to any task.
• The trainee maintained good relation with everyone.
• The trainee was active listener, speaker and writer.
• The trainee worked properly on the task given by the field supervisor.

Critical Analysis:
The organization is doing effective works on reproductive and sexual health, but it lacks something that is it is not able to organize some programs for youths like youth conference or youth seminar. Overall the organization is doing great work as it is spreading the knowledge of reproductive and sexual health. It is helping the youth to empower by giving information through different training programs and ‘Youvan Magazines.’

The trainee would like to recommend that the trainee should be given those tasks from which she can learn properly. The trainee should get opportunity to visit the fields and also should be involved in different activities of the organization.
The organization should provide with an identity card so that other can easily know that they are the trainee and has specific purpose in the organization.

Overall learning:
Professional learning:
Professionally trainee got chance to learn many things and acquire many skills which are important and essential for a social worker to perform their effective programs. The trainee learned how to organize different programs, to interact with the people, to perceive the ideas of others, to handle the office procedures, to use the resources properly, to deal with different types of people, to manage the library, to do media analysis and write official reports.
In all these the trainee learned about the different issues of reproductive and sexual health and the peoples’ perception in this issue. The trainee acquired listening skills, speaking skills, interaction skills and observing skills.
Personal learning:
The trainee learned that reproductive and sexual health is a vital part of each and everyone’s life so the information on this issue should be given to everyone. The one without proper information in this issue cannot lead a healthy life as it is must for everyone.
The comprehensive sexuality education should be compulsory in each school so that the youths can get proper information in this issue and can empower themselves.

The trainee got a platform to work on the issue of reproductive and sexual health and Non- Communicable diseases. The trainee concludes that she got a chance to participate actively and increase professional and personal development.
The trainee likes to thanks Mr.Ramkrishna Parajuli of SOLID Nepal for giving the opportunity in this field and guiding us properly. All the staffs members and volunteers to cope with us and supporting us. The friendly environment and proper guidance of the field supervisor has helped the trainee to apply her theoretical knowledge into practice and take proper action in the field.
The trainee also likes to thanks Mrs. Noma Rayamajhi, the faculty advisor to support and encourage the trainee. She always has given proper guidance.
Last but not the least the trainee would like to thanks the co-trainee Mr.Sangeet Gopal Kayastha for always being there and giving support in the field.

Week Date Total Hours of the Week
1st week 31st March-4th April,2009 35.5
2nd week 15th April,17th April,2009 15
3rd week 8th June-11th June,2009 39
4th week 22nd June-26th June,2009 41
5th week 6th July-11th July,2009 46
6th week 21st July-23rd July,2009 23
7th week 3rd August-4th Augus 7th 2009 22
8th week 17th August-21st August,2009 32
Total no. of hours 253.5 hours

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